
On this year’s TED Talks 2009 in California Bill Gates shocked his audience of rich people with the unleashing of a swarm of mosquitoes, so that not only poor people can experience them. Further more he talks about the American school system and the quality of teachers.

Bill Gates hopes to solve some of the world’s biggest problems using a new kind of philanthropy. He is a passionate techie and a shrewd businessman, Bill Gates changed the world once, while leading Microsoft to enormous success. He plans to do it again now with his very own style of philanthropy.

TED Talks – Bill Gates: How I’m trying to change the world now


  1. I just watched a video with bill gates giving a pro-privatization of the teaching method speech.No surprise here.End result is if you dont give dear bill and his friends the teachers performance results your kid will be stung by a mallaria infected mosquito.Do you want your kid to be in the same category of a third world child now?No of course u dont!Send them to KIPP.Now your kid learn from our corporate-approved teachers.mission accomlished…OR..(IF U DONT FALL FOR THAT)you can buy our superior teaching classes in dvds.BUY SOMETHING OR I WILL RELESH DEADLY MOSQUITOS IN YO TOWN!!!REALY.JUST BUY SOMETHING NOW WILL U?

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