This award winning documentary about homeless people is frank, funny, and fascinating. These three words describe these unrehearsed conversations with people on the street. Filmed in the Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and South Bay areas, “The Homeless” is a non-judgemental look at the lives of these people as told by themselves. Are homeless people forced into this condition by the circumstances of their lives? Or are they simply petty bums, theifs, and vagrants? You decide. This docu won “Best Bicycle Production” at the 2001 Torrance Public Access Foundation Awards. Build your own opinion about homeless people living on the street by yoursefl now!

The Homeless


  1. This was interesting albeit a little slanted. It’s clear they went around looking for people who looked or acted like a stereotypical homeless person and then proceed to ask them loaded questions. I felt that this documentary could only serve to reinforce negative stereotypes of the homeless.

    The untold story is of the people who don’t look or act homeless but are. There are many homeless people who are well kept, and many who even work full or part time.

  2. This was not a good example of homeless life at all. They failed to find people who actually enjoy being homeless and it is their lifestyle choice. There were no homeless teenagers in it which actually are a larger percentage of the population. It did not show that there is actually some innocence in being homeless. Just all the hardships and downsides, when in reality a lot of people choose it rather than being forced upon it. Next time you should interview a larger range of people rather than all being middle aged men.

  3. in new york most people are not homeless. this can’t be said in other developing countries. in new york most of the homeless are falls under 4 category.
    (1) mentally ill. (2) drug addicts (3) jobless families (4) “summer campers” -middle class teens runaways who live on the street for a few month then go home when they have to go back to school.
    there is a research study warn that if a person who live on the street for more then 2 years and that person does not hold down a regular part time job with in those 2 years its is most likely he can never work in a normal work environment again. It is very difficult rejoin society when you choose to live on the fringe for that long.

  4. that is just just wrong to point out the stereotypical type like that… some of them could have actually had something horrible happen to them that they didnt tell you… and/or had a mental condition… you should point out how they are really good people who just ended up in the wrong situation… and like danny said interview a larger range of people… i dont understand what you think was funny about that… i livedin new york for some time and the homeless are just as kind as us they want help and for people to except them… this is insulting and ridiculous!!!!!!!!!

  5. i was once homeless here in chicago, cause of drinkinf i was 46y-old thank GOD i found a shelter church home sold peanuts for the church cleaned washed and went to church which was right up stairs 4 times a week voluntarly, ive always was a back sliding christian but drugs pushed me away for a bit, in my case i never had apolice record driving record clean so after one year i ran out of the shelter and told me the real me inside never again its been 13 years and have kept a studio apt.for my self shuttle driver school bus driver security guard etc,the only thing thtas eating me still is the lonely-ness no girl friend no freinds dont trust no more i always give out money to the homeless when im driving or getting off the express way always still and always will GOD IS GREAT.

  6. OMFG!!!! How dare they make us out to be a bunch of lazy inconsiderate M.F’ers I myself am homeless and have been since I was 17 yrs. old I tried to get a job but I was under age and needed perental consent. my father (who is a woman now) kicked me out onto the streets when I was 17 and because I am homeless no one wants to give me a chance I want to be a writer write books and all Im that intellegent heck I accept a job as a personal housekeeper but no one really cares nor understands….yes I do steal but I only steal the things that I need like food,clothes,hygene products things like that I’m not proud of it but its called survival.I’m 23 yrs. old right now and I’m still in the same situation because no one wants to give me a chance… know that song forgotten children by tokio hotel yeah that describes us homeless people to a T….. WE THE HOMELESS ARE LADY LIBRITIES FORGOTTEN CHILDREN

  7. I will agree that there are a lot of good, well kept, nice mannered people who are homeless. My dad threw me out when i was 17 & i have lived on the streets on & off for years. People who are addicted can change,i have. I have had my own apartment for close to 7 yrs. now. God Bless each & every one of them. These people have daughters, sons, mothers, fathers. These folks have feelings too. There is good & bad in every group in our society.

  8. that is wrong that all and most of homeless people are addicts and mentally ill. I am homeless but i have an fulltime job and working on getting a part time job. i can stay at weekly motels for like $200 a week but i will never get no where money wise. I CHOOSE to save my money and in a months time i will have enough money to move in my own place. does that mean I gotta be homeless and live on the street..yes. I was dealt a bad card with my ex and became homeless after we broke up.I had to leave the house. Im not an bad person and I keep my job and working on my goals.

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