Deep inside the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, newly discovered artifacts, photographs and journals tell the story of 350 American GIs who were held as prisoners of war in one of Hitler‘s most secretive slave labor camps, known as Berga. There, the soldiers lived and died alongside European Jews—many becoming grim statistics in Hitler’s Final Solution. But miraculously, their will to survive and even to fight back at the Nazis remained strong. Now, 60 years later, these survivors from Berga have come forward to tell an unforgettable story of dogged survival, heroism and unparalleled courage in this shocking documentary.

Hitler’s GI Death Camp

National Geographic


  1. Once again, as we turn back on the past, of the inhumanity of man against man, on weapons of mass destruction that resulted to the annihilation of millions of innocent souls in hands of cruel and evil minds now gone, we always come to the conclusion that inhumanity has no place in our present end times. Before the eyes of the ALMIGHTY GOD, these cruel and evil deeds of men are judge finally and accordingly by the yardstick of eternal laws.

  2. The US Government allowed Nazis to live in America through Project Paperclip, which turned into other programs such as MK ULTRA, and many others too numerous to mention. It was not due to the Cold War, but the desire for America to have it’s own form of Nazism in the US, which is shrouded in various legitimate versions of ghettos, prison for minorities, human experimentation, gang stalking, and a cover Nazi-oriented society. Modeling and entertainment have a white supremacist ideology backing various Nazi-based occult symbolism. The Holocaust was essentially brought over to America, the Nazis were mostly exonerate, the Japanese war criminals rarely or never brought to Justice. The Americans committed a great crime by allowing this to happen.

  3. The US Government allowed Nazis to live in America through Project Paperclip, which turned into other programs such as MK ULTRA, and many others too numerous to mention. It was not due to the Cold War, but the desire for America to have it’s own form of Nazism in the US, which is shrouded in various legitimate versions of the Nazi ghettos, prison for minorities, human experimentation, gang stalking, and a covert Nazi-oriented society. Modeling and entertainment have a white supremacist ideology backing various Nazi-based occult symbolism, which was another facet of the Nazi propaganda machine running their own social engineering to brainwash people into accepting their ideology, which America has embraced entirely. The Holocaust was essentially brought over to America, the Nazis were mostly exonerated, the Japanese war criminals who also tortured and brutalized and murdered POW’s were rarely or never brought to Justice. The Americans committed a great crime by allowing this to happen.

  4. The FACTS are that American and British POWs held by the Germans had a survival rate of 97% according to Wikipedia. In contrast, American POWs held by the Japanese had a 66% survival. However, the focus is always on the bad Germans. There is a concerted effort to brainwash the German people into psychosis of self-hatred.
    When the Pilgrims arrived, the continental United States was home to a thriving population of 10.000.000 Native Americans. According to the US census of 1890, 200.000 Native people survived. Millions died in the world’s greatest genocide, entire tribes rendered extinct, ancestral lands stolen, and the tattered remains relegated to United States concentration camps euphemistically termed, “Indian Reservations”. Not a simgle monument exists to commemorate the millions killed, yet we are bombarded ad nauseum about the events during WW II.

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